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新展 | 安塞姆·基弗:致安德烈·埃莫

作者:库艺术新媒体部 日期:2018-03-16 点击:2514


2018年2月11日,安塞姆 基弗最新个展在法国巴黎Thaddaeus Ropac画廊开幕,共展出了艺术家近期创作的20余件绘画和3件装置作品。

此次展览的主题被设定为“致安德烈·埃莫”( Für Andrea Emo)—— 一位出生于上个世纪初的意大利哲学家,形而上学理论的重要人物。终其一生,埃莫孤独而遁世,喜好用片段文字和笔记来承载记忆:“除了回忆,没有任何新东西”,并秉持着“否定神学”的标准,拒绝以人类有限的认知去度量或判定“上帝”的存在与能量所在。








为了辅助人们理解艺术家创作的内核和深意,除几十件原作之外,策展方还配套出版了一本书册,其中摘录了部分基弗本人的日记和笔记 ,以文字和图像并存的方式,呈现了基弗近年来的创作思想和技法的变化。



Gehäutete Landschaft, 2014-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead and metal on canvas on wood, 330 kgs

280 x 380 x 47 cm (110,24 x 149,61 x 18,5 in)

Snake in Paradise, 1991-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, metal, plaster and gold leaf on canvas on wood, 410 kg

190 x 280 x 42 cm (74,8 x 110,24 x 16,54 in)

Engel der Geschichte, 2005-2017Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, metal, charcoal on canvas on wood, 1200 kgs 267 x 650 x 70 cm (105,12 x 255,91 x 27,56 in)

Kundry, 2015-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead and metal on canvas on wood, 625 kgs

280 x 380 x 10 cm (110,24 x 149,61 x 3,94 in)

Geist über den Wassern, 2015-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, metal and gold leaf on canvas on wood, 390 kgs

280 x 380 x 43 cm (110,24 x 149,61 x 16,93 in)

Klingsors Garten, 2015-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, gold leaf and metal on canvas on wood, 800 kgs

280 x 380 x 50 cm (110,24 x 149,61 x 19,69 in)

Sonnenfinsternis, 1994-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead and metal on canvas on wood, 400 kgs

190 x 380 x 30 cm (74,8 x 149,61 x 11,81 in)

Gehäutete Landschaft, 2015-2017Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead and metal on canvas on wood, 280 kgs 190 x 330 x 55 cm (74,8 x 129,92 x 21,65 in)

Für Andrea Emo, 2015-2017Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, metal and clay on canvas on wood, 210 kgs280 x 380 x 34 cm (110,24 x 149,61 x 13,39 in)

Am Grunde der Moldau, da wandern die Steine, 2008-2017

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, metal and stone on canvas on wood, 420 kgs

190 x 380 x 47 cm (74,8 x 149,61 x 18,5 in)

Böse Blumen, 1987-2017Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead and metal on canvas on wood, 110 kgs 190 x 140 x 9 cm (74,8 x 55,12 x 3,54 in)

Kranke Kunst, 1985-2017Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, lead, metal, gold leaf and sediments of electrolysis on canvas on wood, 300 kgs 280 x 190 x 40 cm (110,24 x 74,8 x 15,75 in)

Johannisnacht, 2016

Glass, metal, wood, burlap, clay, lead, asphalt, resin ferns and silver leaf

370 x 280 x 170 cm (145,67 x 110,24 x 66,93 in

Brünhildes Fels, 2010-2016Glass, metal, lead, polystyrene, stones, asphalt, acrylic, cardboard and gold leaf337 x 200 x 200 cm (132.68 x 78.74 x 78.64 in)

Die Argonauten, 2017Glass, metal, wood, burlap, clay, lead, fabric and gold leaf

292 x 570 x 230 cm (114,96 x 224,41 x 90,55 in)

Die Argonauten, 2017 (detail)

Glass, metal, wood, burlap, clay, lead, fabric and gold leaf292 x 570 x 230 cm (114,96 x 224,41 x 90,55 in)

图片拍摄:Georges Poncet资讯支持:Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac


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