开幕 Opening:2018.04.01 19:00
展期 Duration:2018.04.01 - 05.15
地点 Location:Van Art Space 梵耘艺术空间
留 白
Empty Spaces
Time, space and color, this is all I paint.
"White" is the space, it is a kind ofinvisible existence, There is only "things" in sight, and space isthere,and the color is the only thing that I can use to convey thespatial information on the white plane which has defined the boundary.
A work is a thing. Only when people draw the meaning of the work from thepreconceived meaning and let the work return to the concrete thing afterformalization can it have a dialogue with the space.
A work is not something that can be replaced. It is unique, because the artisthas injected life into the work, and life cannot be replaced.
Painting is a thing of history. It has long been like a gold mine that hasalmost been hollowed out and forwarded with difficulty. In our new visualenvironment, perhaps when painting is transformed into a form of visualthinking, it will give us new opportunities. And get the reason to continue towatch the traditional art form of painting and to help us continue to walk inthe painting of the road in the woods.
Our world is made up of two parts, one is visible and the other is not visible,and we must use visualization to make it visible which is probably thewonderful part of painting.
White is the soul. If you get it, you must rely on the strength of your body.
Ma Shuqing
Early spring in Beijing,2018
无题·2015 亚麻布综合材料,直径40cm ,2015年
无题·2018-01 丙烯综合材料木板,直径76cm, 2017-2018年
无题·2018-04, 丙烯综合材料木板,187X56cm ,2017-2018年
无题·2018-07, 丙烯综合材料木板,26x28cm ,2017-2018年
无题·2018-08, 丙烯综合材料木板,28x28cm ,2017-2018年
无题·2018-10, 丙烯综合材料木板,27x27cm ,2017-2018年
1956 年生于天津。
1976 年毕业于天津工艺美术学校装潢专业,
1989 年去德国慕尼黑美术学院学习自由绘画专业;
1995 年毕业后移居巴黎,