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心与手 | 蓝正辉:以艺术为2016年“东西方相遇”赋予新意义

作者:《库艺术》学术研究部 日期:2017-06-13 点击:3512



1987 毕业于四川美术学院

1987 年-1993 年任教于重庆大学



2016 年 9 月 “蓝正辉重塑墨势-山水”个展,Ethan Cohen 画廊,纽约,美国

2016 年 4 月 马里兰艺术学院 Ruth Marder gallery 个展,美国

2015 年 10 月 蓝正辉美国纽约玛娜当代驻留项目及个展, 美国

2015 年 6 月 蓝正辉个展, GalerieduMonde 世界画廊, 香港

2015 年 2 月 梅塞德斯- 迈巴赫 S 级轿车客户品鉴会- 蓝正辉水墨之旅

2015 年 2 月“蓝正辉重塑墨势”个展,Ethan Cohen 画廊,纽约,美国

2014 年 11 月“辉腾与蓝正辉水墨艺术展”同名画册出版,奥赛画廊,上海

2014 年 6 月,《色变》蓝正辉多伦多个展,CANADIAN FINE ARTS,加拿大多伦多


蓝正辉作为从’85 时期一直战斗到今天的当代水墨艺术家,凭借其超乎想象的“体量水墨”,继续在为那一代人曾经的理想和热血而战。水墨这样一种延续千年的文人活动,在蓝正辉的笔下,或者说身体中,成为了一种希望或绝望的战斗,或是挣扎。

拜上世纪80 年代的开放潮流所赐,蓝正辉的“体量水墨”得以寻找到一个世界性的视野,并从世界各种优秀的现当代艺术资源中汲取能量,哺育自己的创作。水墨材质本身所蕴含的表达潜力和自由度,那一代人对于自由与理想的渴望,以及现当代艺术对于传统的反叛意识和观念的打开,共同造就了蓝正辉那震撼人心的艺术场面。

台湾私人收藏 F128 249cm×246cm 宣纸水墨 2014


Brings new meaning to 2016 “EASTMEETS-WEST” with his art

文_Jose Lima/Bill Spring/

2016 年6 月中国著名当代艺术家蓝正辉被邀请在美国带来一系列的讲座,其中包括在鲁贝尔家族收藏博物馆、佛罗里达国际大学以及马里兰艺术学院的特邀发言。被誉为第一位将重水墨画的深厚传统挥洒于当代抽象表现主义之中,并浑然天成在庞大尺幅画布上的中国当代艺术家,蓝正辉蜚声世界。今年六月他的作品正在瑞士艺术巴塞尔期间的VOLTA 艺术博览会展出。

英国私人收藏 “相思”系列 4 243.5cm×168cm 宣纸水墨裱布 2010


美国纽约私人收藏 F441 145cm×220cm 宣纸水墨 2015


英国私人收藏 开门 450cm×240cm 宣纸水墨裱布 2009

在马里兰艺术学院,蓝正辉曾受邀在一次报告会上发言,该报告会由勒鲁瓦·霍夫伯格绘画学院(Leroy E. Hoffberger School of Painting) 院长琼·沃特莫斯(Joan Waltemath) 牵头,观众由艺术家、学者及藏家组成,全场座无虚席。


蓝正辉工作室现场 2016-11-24





Written by Jose Lima/Bill Spring/

(NEW YORK & BEIJING) -One of China’s leading contemporary artists Lan Zhenghui is presenting a series of lectures throughout the U.S. in 2016 that has included invitations to speak at the Rubell Family Collection, Florida International University's College of Architecture + The Arts, and the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). He is renowned worldwide as the first-ever Chinese contemporary artist to catapult the ancient traditions of heavy ink painting with electrifying contemporary abstract expressionism.

During his six months in the U.S., Lan Zhenghui will create a new body of work that reflects his immersion into a period that promises to be unlike any other in America’s history.

F161 有光 77cm×96cm 宣纸水墨 2014

“As all around me the U.S. grapples with the push-and-pull of new ideas challenging old traditions, this American experience will advance my artwork into new directions. My interactions and engagements with artists, art students, culture seekers and the public in the U.S. will impact my new work. I know for sure that the spirit of America as a frontier for new ideas will ultimately endure,” adds Zhenghui.

F172 跃式 82cm×96.5cm 宣纸水墨 2014

At the Rubell Family Collection, the famed art collector Mera Rubell personally moderated the event. Along with her husband Donald,the Rubells recently selected Lan Zhenghui’s artworks for their exhibition 28 Chinese, featuring artists they personally discovered during their travels in China.

蓝正辉 拍摄于美国纽约MANA 当代 2015

After launching the exhibition during Art Basel Miami Beach,28 Chinese is touring the U.S. including presentations at San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum and the San Antonio Museum of Art.This exhibition is the culmination of six research trips to China for Mera and Don Rubell during ten years, visiting one hundred artist studios in Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangshou, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Xi’an to acquire the artwork for their permanent collection and for this traveling exhibition.

R42 232cm×101cm 宣纸水墨 2015

During his lectures, the artist provokes and challenges students and artists with tales of his dramatic artistic trajectory. Tears and laughter abound as Lan recounts tales of his personal experiences as an artist during some of China’s own confrontational moments in the 1980s and 1990s.

“Du r in g t h i s p ivota l time when soci e t y is hungry for more authenticity, I want to earnestly connect with my audiences by relating my personal struggles as an artist, lessons learned, and hope,” said Lan Zhenghui.

Lan Zhenghui launched the “Power Brush” movement and is recognized internationally for taking the free-hand strokes of traditional Chinese heavy ink painting to new levels: infusing them with the abstractions and expressiveness found in contemporary art.The results are breathtaking large-scale masterworks on enormous panels.

Rubell 太太、衣君教授与蓝正辉在迈阿密 2015

Credited with creating a never-before-seen aesthetic confluence between the age-old traditions of Chinese heavy ink painting and Western abstract expressionism, Lan Zhenghui’s work has famously reinvented both. His bold, kinetic strokes drive the ink to discover its own momentum in ways that have forever changed the landscape of contemporary Chinese art - liberating ink from being determined by form.

纽约“重整墨势:蓝正辉个展”现场 2015

香港艺术门画廊 蓝正辉作品《精神如山》 2013

The ancient spirits of Chinese landscape linger however, like ghosts on the canvas. They haunt both his process – the brushstrokes, the vectoring – and the resulting shapes. Mountains, rivers, storms, even figures surge and evaporate subliminally.

E40 134cm×124cm 宣纸水墨 2013

上一条:心与手 | 侯珊瑚:心之态,形之态

下一条:心与手 | 谷文达:中国“当代艺术”和当代水墨目前处在一种双向前进的状态

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